Painted Metal Fridge Magnet

Fridge Magnets are usually used for decorative purposes but also used for memo purposes, such as what vegetables or food to buy in the fridge, you can write them down on the top of the paper and stick it with a Fridge Magnet. At the same time, it can do different logos and a variety of processes. Fridge Magnets are practical and good, and it is an excellent product for advertising and promotion. Generally used in families, hotels, gift stores, and so on. The baking paint process is in the product concave placed on the top of the baking paint color, color bright can be on a variety of colors, and the whole product concave and convex have a sense of hierarchy. The back of the product has a strong magnetic sticker, firm and stable, and can easily absorb the message note.

SKU: novo3417CHE Category:

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Zinc Alloy


1.97*1.97 inches